Converting the Google Classroom in a Virtual Workplace
By: Josehpine M. Maningas, Ph.D / OIC Principal of Sta. Lucia Senior High School
When the Department of Education released the DepEd Order No. 11 s 2020 entitled " Revised Guidelines on Alternative Work Arrangements in the Department of Education during the Period of State of National Emergency due to COVID-19 Pandemic", I as a school head of Sta. Lucia Senior High School thinks of a way on how I can easily communicate with our teachers and collect their Weekly Accomplishment Report, and store it in one place where the teachers can easily retrieve it again for editing and re-checking.

Above is a sample of Individual Weekly Accomplishment Report that teachers need to accomplish. I Created a blank template so teachers will just fill it up.
Since teachers are Working From Home, and their reports are done in either Spreadsheet, Word or Presentation format, and they will just submit it to their school heads. I ask my husband who happens to be an ICT Coordinator what virtual workplace I can use for our School. A virtual workplace where I as a school head can give the assigned related work for teachers and they will regularly accomplished it during their Work From Home. In Schools Division Office of Quezon City, through the initiative of our Schools Division Superintendent, Dr. Jenilyn Rose B. Corpuz, and Mrs. Ma. Cristina N. Marquez, Information and Technology Officer I, promoted the Google Suite for Education Free specifically the utilization of Google Classroom as one of the medium and in preparation for our Online Classes. So I decided to convert the Google Classroom into our School Virtual Workplace. Logging-in and Accessing Google Classroom is easy. I just used the Google Suite Account which was given to us by SDOQC ICT Section.
Accessing Google Classroom can be done in different ways. Here, after I logged-in my Google Suite Account I follow this easy steps
1. I Click the Google App Icon.
2. I Click the Account Icon
3. Then I Click the Google Classroom Icon.
I created Google Classroom and named it as SLSHS Faculty Virtual Workplace then I added our teachers as student in Google Classroom.
I added our teachers as student in Google Classroom. I used the Assignment feature of Google Classroom to assign teachers work related task because the Google Classroom will give you the option to automatically send this file to each teachers. Teachers will see the Assigned work, and when they accomplish the report, they will just click the Turn-in button (this is the term for "submit").
Checking and giving feedback of their submitted report is easy in Google Classroom. I use also the Google Classroom feature in Assignment called Rubric. This allow me to set a Criteria and Points per Level title which will makes our teachers easily understand how Assignment feature in Google Classroom works.
Once I set the Assigned task to our teachers and created the rubric, I set the topic and Due date for the specific task and Click Save and Assign button.

Checking and giving feedback of their submitted report is easy in Google Classroom because I can easily navigate from one teachers' work to another teacher. Aside from these, Goggle Classroom enable me to store teachers' output in one place, directly to my Google drive.
Invited Teachers as students in my Google Classroom ( Virtual Workplace)
My Virtual Workplace for Sta. Lucia Senior High School. Here is my Assignment view where i can easily monitor and see the teacher who submitted their school report early, and teachers who submitted late.
At first, our teachers had a hard time accomplishing and submitting school reports in Google Classroom, but later on as I continuously give them related assigned work like our Weekly Accomplishment Report that they need to submit regularly, they tend to adapt and already got the flow on how Google Classroom works. As a results, they already experienced how to become a student in a Google Classroom which helps them understood the real scenario they will face when the time come that they will be the teacher giving assignment and activity to students using Google Classroom.
Below is the complete Step by step Tutorial in converting Google Classroom into a Virtual Workplace.
Teachers Guide in Google Classroom
Google Classroom for Schools Division Office of Quezon City is one of the alternative tool to be used by teacher and students of Quezon City when there are classes suspension, especially during the COVID19 Pandemic, where there is still a community quarantine implemented.